Spectators and Guests

We are always happy to welcome guests to our launches. This page contains some information that might be helpful to you if you want to come to one of our launch events.


Spectators are always welcome. We do not charge any admission for spectators. We are a pretty friendly group and enjoy showing off our rockets and sharing in the excitement of watching them fly. There are a few things that we would ask of you if you come to watch.

  • Please do not handle rockets or equipment unless the owner of the rocket gives you permission to do so. Some items are delicate and require special handling. Rocket motors can be dangerous if not handled properly.
  • Please make sure that you are a safe distance from any rockets that are about to be launched. This usually means that you need to stay behind the launch controller.
  • Please do not pick up or handle a rocket after it has landed unless you are given permission to do so. The owner of the rocket will want to inspect it for any damage and gather up the various parts in such a way that it will not be damaged. Also, if something went wrong with the recovery system, there could be a live charge that would be dangerous if it went off.

Guest Launching

If you have some model rockets and would like to launch them with us, we would be happy to have you join us. We usually have a small launch fee that we ask to help with various costs. There are a few rules that we ask you to follow.

  • Any age person may participate in launching rockets, but if you are under 14 years of age, you will need to have an adult supervisor with you.
  • We follow the Model Rocket Safety Code as defined by the National Association of Rockety. Please be familiar with these rules and follow them. If you have any questions, please ask one of the members to clarify for you.
  • If you plan to fly high power rockets, you must be properly certified to do so (or be in the act of getting your certification).
  • The Range Safety Officer for a launch has the last word when it comes to whether or not a particular rocket is safe to fly. Please respect the RSO's decisions or suggestions.